Thanks  laskowski
datasource creation is ok
i change the version of geronimo  1.0-SNAPSHOT to 1.0 and rar file to tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa-1.1.rar
creation of datasource is OK

Jacek Laskowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
help me wrote:

> I tried to deploy the Java Adventure Builder into Geronimo
> creation of database AdventureDB is OK


Have you followed instruction described at
http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/AdventureBuilder? I'd be glad if you
could verify it since much work is (about to be) done.

> in this creation of data source for Adventure Builder gives this error
> Error: Unable to distribute tranql-connector-1.1.rar: Unable to load
> first parent of configuration
> org/apache/geronimo/AdventureDataSource1.0.1
> No configuration with id: geronimo/system-database/1.0-SNAPSHOT/car

This is whenever the configuration in question is either not deployed
(distributed) or started. When you run your Geronimo instance, please
run the following command to see what configurations are available
(those with + are already started):

java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager list-modules

Yesterday I had a very similar issue when a plan referenced
geronimo/xxx/1.0/car instead of geronimo/xxx/1.0-SNAPSHOT/car (note the
version number). The list-modules shows you all of them in a running
instance of Geronimo.
Please, report your progress here so we don't do the same work twice.



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