On Jan 18, 2006, at 6:42 AM, Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:


I see that there is a ServerInfo interface in org.apache.geronimo.system.serverinfo package. This has getVersion (), getBuildDate(), getBuildTime(), getBaseDirectory(), getCopyright () methods. Is there any other information (like the svn revision for the server build, etc.) about the server that can be retrieved programmatically.

If you want to take a crack at it, it shouldn't be that difficult to add the svn url and revision number. The ServerInfo data comes from the generated file org/apache/geronimo/system/serverinfo/geronimo- version.properties which is created by modules/system/maven.xml. The tricky part is getting the data from svn into maven.

Is there a way to determine the version and build levels of each of the dependency projects like OpenEJB, Tomcat, Jetty etc?

Not specifically. Each jar we include with Geronimo has a version number, but Geronimo is designed to support adding and removing of components so the components may not be there. Geronimo is also designed to support multiple version of components running at the same time (so you can do a rolling upgrade), so it would be difficult to pin this down.

In the 1.x future, I hope to have better class loader diagnostics available which will let us determine which jars (including the version number) have been loaded into class loaders.


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