My understanding of ActiveSpace is that it supports two state clustering abstractions :

- Cache - a Map-like API
- Space - a JavaSpace like paradigm (also allowing a pub/sub model)

WADI provides a third model, I have been trying unsuccessfully, to think of a nice name for it - lets call it a 'Meet' (in WADI it is currently called a 'Contextualiser').

You give a Meet a Session ID and a self-contained Invocation (HttpReq/Res pair, OpenEJB Invocation, etc...). It guarantees that, if the Session is known, the Invocation will be run against it, but, importantly, it does not say anything about where in the cluster this may occur. i.e. Invocation and Session will 'meet' somewhere in the cluster. It is important to maintain location independance as this enables the cluster to decide for itself the most efficient way to get this done and opens up opportunities for state-balancing and intelligent invocation routing etc (customer prioritising etc...).

Perhaps this model can be implemented on top of a CacheCommand? If so, we don't really need the 'Meet' - it just becomes syntactic sugar.

So, it should be fairly simple to implement a LocalMeet, i.e. a Meet where the Invocation is always run locally, by throwing the Meet API around an ActiveSpace Cache - as this will always migrate the Session to the Invocation.

This would be worthwhile, because we would be able to plug e.g. an AS ClusteredCache straight into Jetty/Tomcat/OpenEJB, using WADI as the integration. We will also get Transactions, via AS' TransactionalCache.

WADI's current implementation of a Meet implements a form of partitioned cache. The benefit of this is that a cluster can support more sessions than can be held on any single node (a constraint that applies if every node holds a copy of every session). The downside is that this approach is much more complex.

By implementing a LocalMeet on top of AS Cache impls, we can quickly provide a simpler impl than WADI's default, which is able to immediately fill demand in smaller sized clusters, whilst we continue to work on the large-scale solution in WADI.

The final difference between WADI and and AS (impl) is that WADI locks pessimistically, whereas, my understanding is that, existing AS impls lock optimistically (I understand that the AS API does not mandate any particular locking approach, but I am talking about impls available to us today). Provided that you can guarantee that all concurrent invocations will always land on the same node, an optimistic approach should be enough. In the web world, certain higher end http load blancers can provide this guarantee and in the EJB world, we can certainly do the same. This means that an AS based solution, integrated with various containers via WADI code, will, in many cases, be sufficient.

Finally, as discussed with James on numerous occasions, we should look at how WADI's pessimistic locking and PartitionManager might be componentised so that they can be plugged into AS to provide Cache and Space users, who are not interested in location-independance, with a pessimistic approach and/or a partitioned clustering substrate...


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