On 30 Jan 2006, at 10:29, Jules Gosnell wrote:
James Strachan wrote:
On 30 Jan 2006, at 10:06, Jules Gosnell wrote:

Finally, as discussed with James on numerous occasions, we should look at how WADI's pessimistic locking and PartitionManager might be componentised so that they can be plugged into AS to provide Cache and Space users, who are not interested in location- independance, with a pessimistic approach and/or a partitioned clustering substrate...

BTW I don't see using a pessimistic lock as being very useful for a cache; typically in a JCache scenario you are caching state that is stored in some database/system; so if you really want a pessimistic lock you should lock the database (they are very good at doing distributed locks) rather than having a pessimistic lock in a cache which is a different lock to where the actual data is.

Agreed - but in the case of a distributed session, it may not be mapped to a database.... - I guess we are not a typical JCache scenario ?

Exactly. JCache is usually used for distributed caching of persistent state. So for most users of JCache, pessimistic locking has no real value.

The exception to this rule is for folks who want to use JCache as a database (being the master copy of the state) which is usually as a result of folks trying to solve the distributed-session-state problem. But its much better IMHO to just solve the distributed session state problem correctly than turn JCache into a database :)


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