James Strachan wrote:

On 29 Jan 2006, at 18:50, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On Jan 27, 2006, at 1:11 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote:


I assume this will just be a regular subproject at present.  If  one of
the XBean folks could talk a little about how XBean could ultimately
be adopted by Geronimo (the app server), that would be great.  I  think
we talked about ways that Geronimo and XBean could move to close the
gap and thus eventually make it possible to for Geronimo to adopt
XBean without it being such a massive change, but I'm a little fuzzy
on the details.


You're a bit fuzzy on the detail because every is a bit fuzzy. I have a few idea about how to integrate the code, but we're not going to know exactly how the integration will work or if we want to do it at all until we try. Just wanted to drop a warning before jumping into my ideas.

XBean has several modules most of which are designed for direct XBean users like Service-Mix, ActiveMQ and XFire, so I'm going to only address the kernel and server module.

The kernel in XBean has a very light weight kernel compared to the Geronimo kernel. For example, the Geronimo kernel directly supports object name queries, and in XBean name querying is an optional service. The other big difference is the code is just easier to follow :) *If* we decide to switch to the XBean kernel, we can easily create an implementation of the current Geronimo kernel interface that simply calls through to the XBean kernel. I had this working with the XBean 1.0 kernel, but haven't written a bridge for the 2.0 kernel yet.

The server module is more tricky. The server module contains simplified start up code, support for spring based configurations and some experimental class loaders. All of these will take work to determine if they are beneficial to Geronimo and if so, how to integrate them with out breaking current users. I think that more importantly than integrating the code is integrating the ideas in the server module. For example, the startup code in XBean would allow us to eliminate the serialized object graph in the our startup jars, which contain important attributes that we can't edit.


I think once we import the code into an xbean module we can start experimenting with a cleaner & more lightweight POJO based kernel/ server/deployer that avoids much of the GBean plumbing. e.g. I'd love a real simple way to define classloader hierarchies and to auto- deploy & redeploy spring.xml & xbean.xml files inside those class loaders as a nice simple Spring/POJO container.

This sounds like my dreams come true - I can't wait :-)



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