
I want to update the Release manager doc on the Wiki but it occurred to me today that we have still not resolved the issue of Confluence or MoinMoin.

We've been discussing this issue for about 3 months I think but have only succeeded in having created two environments and not pulling together a cohesive story for our users in terms of documentation. Hernan has been doing a great job of documenting on Confluence over at Atlassian and I saw Anita post today that she has graciously volunteered to update the Roadmap (I assume on the current G Wiki). Given that I'm ready to do some updating as well I wanted see what issues are in the way for us moving to a common infrastructure.

From the e-mail vote started by Ken here were the votes:

 + 1 Votes for Confluence
        Erin Mulder
        Joe Bohn
        Dain Sundstrom
        Alan Cabrera
        David Jencks
        Bruce Snyder    
        Jason Dillon
        Hernan Cunico
        David Blevins
        Matt Hogstrom
        Gianny Damour
        John Sisson
        Jacek Laskowski
        Kevan Miller
        Prasad Kashyap
        James Strachan
        Sachin Patel
        Paul McMahan
+1 Votes for something else

+0 Votes:
        Jan Bartel

7 People volunteered for Infrastructure assignments
        Andrus Adamchik
        Hernan Cunico
        Rajith Atlapatto
        Jason Dillon
        Kevan Miller
        Paul McMahan
        Prasad Kashyap

I apologize in advance for spelling mistakes above.

At this point it looks like the clear winner is Confluence. So the question is what do we do from here? What makes sense to me is people do their current work at Atlassian to ease the transition (with appropriate updates on the Geronimo site to point there) and have the volunteers above start introducing themselves to the Infrastructure group and building some Karma to get Confluence setup (remembering that this is more than a Geronimo thing in terms of support; details to get worked out by infrastructure).

Ken, do we need to do anything formal or can people start working with Infra now? It would seem to make sense to have one person coordinate the effort from the Geronimo side to start with. I nominate Hernan since he's been doing the Lion's share of our documentation.

For now I'll move my Release Mgmt work over to Atlassian.



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