On Feb 14, 2006, at 5:01 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On Feb 14, 2006, at 4:30 PM, David Blevins wrote:

On Feb 14, 2006, at 4:06 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Is there an easy way to do this with m1? I'm concerned about having two dependency lists: one in the project.xml and one in the pom.xml. Is there a tool that can merge the project.xml dependencies into a template pom.xml?

If there was a tool we'd probably go from pom.xml to project.xml for transitive deps reasons rather than the other way around.

But really, I wouldn't worry about having two deps lists. Here is an idea for keeping things working ...

Why don't we:
- use an non-conflicting groupId like org.apache.geronimo-m2 or something specifically for conversion
  - set it up in our continuum install as another project
  - and continuously build *both*


The reason for the new groupId is so that the m2 build doesn't interfere at all with our regular m1 build. We just won't sycn org.apache.geronimo-m2.

When our m2 build is read, we just drop the "-m2" suffix from the groupId and delete the old maven.xml and project.xml files.


Take my comments with a large dose of salt since, I'm not volunteering to do the work.... I would like to see a module completely converted to m2 (one at a time) and stay converted.

I think the continuum aspect would be the thing to ensure something stays converted. We could even do one at a time too, just that most people (and the release process) would continue to rely on m1 till m2 conversion is completely done.

I get the impression that people are proposing that we create parallel builds for modules one at a time, and I just don't see that working.

Both the OpenEJB and ActiveMQ builds were done as parallel builds. I've got ActiveMQ up in continuum building as an M2 projects, so we know it stays good. Obviously, the OpenEJB build was done way before we had continuum and it got crufty.

ActiveMQ still does releases from m1 as they still don't have all their tests converted over. Other than that their m2 build works.

But I'm in the same boat as you, I don't have the bandwidth to work on it aside from helping people get it running in continuum.


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