Distributed JMX sounds like a simple way to monitor a cluster of any
Java stuff. Details on using clustered JMX over JMS here...


which lets you monitor the cluster in a single MBeanServer

On 5/3/06, Jules Gosnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd like to kick off a thread about the monitoring of clustered

There is a section in the 1,000ft Clustering Overview
but little content, due to the fact that there has been little
discussion about this subject on the list...

Obviously we can use standard tools etc to monitor individual nodes in a
cluster - but, if you want to aggregate all the stats together, for a
clusterwide view of what is going on in your deployment, life becomes a
little more complicated....

I have a few ideas, but I haven't done much reading around this area, so
it may be that there are already specs and standard ways of achieving
all of this. if there are and you know of them, please shout. If not,
lets throw it open to discussion....

thanks for your time,


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 * Jules Gosnell
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