Sounds like a great idea that would help cross pollinate geronimo discussions. My only concern is whether it's tactful to broadcast people's thoughts/concerns/gripes/etc beyond their intended audience without their fore knowledge. As you know people tend to take a different tone in IRC than they would on a mailing list :-) I realize that Drone already makes the IRC discussion available offline but to me that's different than automating delivery of that discussion to hundreds (?) of people.
This is not a major concern, providing some type of blurb in the channel topic might be sufficient. Best wishes, Paul On 5/31/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since Apache tends to prefer mailing lists... but IRC is so convent for effective communication. Maybe we should have a daily post of the last days IRC log to the dev list. That was the list can still be used for oversight of stuff that goes on in #geronimo that may have some impact on the project and its health. Just a thought... --jason