+1.  I've wanted both of these things fixed for some time so we can
both support spring 2.x in ActiveMQ and ServiceMix together with throw
more suitable error messages when folks mess up their XML (which
happens fairly frequently on the ActiveMQ user list).

BTW something thats very easy to do in XBean is...

<beans xmlns="http://activemq.apache.org/1.0";>....

<!-- some specific namespaced XML -->
<broker> ... </broker>

<!-- some regular Spring XML but not in the global namespace -->
<bean class="foo"></bean>


The <bean> element needs an xmlns="" to take it out of the ActiveMQ namespace.

I guess we should try encourage folks to put the custom namespace on
the custom element (like the <broker> element to reduce the chances of
mistakes. But I was wondering if we'd add an extra useful error
message that for an unknown QName of XML, if the localName were 'bean'
we could add a warning recommend the user adds xmlns="" to their

On 6/6/06, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XBEAN-13 is a very minor patch to
throw a meaninfull exception instead of an NPE at a later time when the
<classpath><location>xxx</location></classpath>  tags are used in a
spring configuration file and the specified location is not found.

http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XBEAN-14 is a major enhancement of
xbean-spring to support Spring 2.0-m5.
I have created a branch instead of a patch, because of the need to split
the existing xbean-spring module into two parts.
The branch is available at
http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/geronimo/xbean/branches/spring2/trunk/ and
the revisions links
are availanble in the JIRA.
In addition I added integration tests to ensure that xbean-spring is
fully compatible with all spring versions >= 1.2.4,
which was not the case, despite a modification I made for the latest
xbean release.

Here's my +1 for applying the XBEAN-13 patch and merging the branch to
trunk for XBEAN-14.

Please vote.

Guillaume Nodet



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