Yeah, SandBox was the most representative name I could come up with at that time, not necessarily the best ;-)

I would prefer to keep the geronimo space as a the router to all our content. In fact I created that space as a consequence of not being able to create a TOC (consolidating all entries) outside confluence.

I'll be happy to migrate the SandBox space to any other name we may want. However, I would say that if we use the geronimo space to add/develop content we will end up loosing the organization we are trying to achieve. I think we should have a separated space (SandBox), maybe with a more appealing name, to hold "everything else". Thoughts?


David Blevins wrote:
Hi Hernan,

All looks pretty great.  One comment below.

On Jun 7, 2006, at 2:29 PM, Hernan Cunico wrote:

The last section should hold "everything else", this section will be a good place to put the historical and/or still valid data from the old wiki that does not fit in any of the other spaces.

1. Apache Geronimo v1.0
       Apache Geronimo v1.0 - User's Guide
       Apache Geronimo v1.0 - Developer's Guide

2. Apache Geronimo v1.1
       Apache Geronimo v1.1 - User's Guide

3. Apache Geronimo Project Management
       Apache Geronimo Development Process
       Apache Geronimo Development Status

4. Apache Geronimo SandBox

Not sure if this organization calls for a vote but is pretty close to what we have been discussing from the beginning for organizing the documentation.

Not a big fan of a SandBox space (GMOxSBOX) and would prefer just use the GERONIMO space for "everything else."


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