I did a sniff test of the installed product and I think we are good to go.

+1 from me.

I shall grill it some more tomorrow.


On 6/19/06, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Sisson wrote:
> Some notes in relation to documentation:
> * Clicking on the the "Geronimo Documentation" link on
> http://myhost:8080/ takes me to
> http://geronimo.apache.org/documentation.html which doesn't currently
> have any 1.1 documentation.  What are the plans for the 1.1 documentation?

I'm planning to update the web site today so it will point to the new cwiki 
with the 1.0 and 1.1
(inprogress) documentation
> * Clicking on the "Additional Documentation" link on http://myhost:8080/
> takes me to
> http://opensource.atlassian.com/confluence/oss/display/GERONIMO/Home
> which contains a warning that the documentation has moved to
> http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo .  Are we planning on changing this to
> take users directly to http://cwiki.apache.org/geronimo ?

"Additional Documentation" is using a redirect
(http://geronimo.apache.org/redirects/additionalDocumentation.html) to point to 
the Atlassian
confluence. Fixing this redirect is part of the web site update.

I just froze (for edit) the confluence installation at Atlassian so we will not 
have more adds there
(wanted or unwanted). I've been adding labels to some pages on that 
installation to point to the new
cwiki.apache.org/geronimo. As far as I know, we can not add an automatic 
redirect directly from a
confluence page.


> Other comments in-line below..
> I'm still kicking the tires..
> John
> Matt Hogstrom wrote:
>> All,
>> I have created what I hope is the final release of Geronimo 1.1.
>> There has been a lot of work that has gone into this release (please
>> review the RELEASE-NOTES).  Here are the final release candidates for
>> your review.
>> *DayTrader Application*
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/daytrader-ear-1.1.ear
>> I'm working on a website and documentation to help folks out but the
>> deliverable is the ear above.
>> *Geronimo 1.1 Version*
>>   *Source*
>>     http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-1.1_src.tar.gz
>>     http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-1.1_src.zip
>>   *Full J2EE Jetty Version*
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.1.tar.gz
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.1.zip
>>   *Minimal Jetty Version*
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-jetty-minimal-1.1.zip
>>   *Full Tomcat Version*
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-tomcat-j2ee-1.1.tar.gz
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-tomcat-j2ee-1.1.zip
>>   *Minimal Tomcat Version*
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/geronimo-tomcat-minimal-1.1.zip
>> *Geronimo 1.1 Source Code*
> FYI (in case you re-use this mail) the line above should read *Geronimo
> 1.1 Specs*
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/org.apache.geronimo.specs.tar.gz
>> http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/1.1-final/org.apache.geronimo.specs.zip
> Is there are reason why the specs distributions don't have a version in
> their file name? Shouldn't it be 1.0.1?
>> Please remember that only PMC votes are binding but they will
>> ultimately make their decision based on your feedback.
>> Thanks to everyone who has spent long hours working on this.
>> A special thanks to Jencks, Sisson and Miller who spent long days
>> working on getting the final release right with License issues, last
>> minute release note changes, etc.
>> I look forward to a positive outcome and a unanimous vote by Sunday.
>> Assuming all goes well by Sunday night I will propogate the jars to
>> the mirrors on Sunday and declare the release official on Tuesday.
>> Cross your fingers, grab your beverage of choice and let's close this
>> release out.
>> Matt

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