Hi Greg,

Hopefully this is early enough for someone to look at.


It need lots more detail - I have some graphics too but don't have time to write them up before meeting so I'll try to get that done this afternoon and update the wiki page.

I'll be a bit late but I'll be there.

Looking forward to it.



On Jun 29, 2006, at 8:00 AM, Greg Wilkins wrote:


this suggestion is probably too late....

but given the deficiencies of dialin, would it be possible for you to post a short
summary of where your work with clustering is at?

Is there a page on the(a?) wiki about the approach you are taking?
I can see the tomcat clustering page


and the overview page

but nothing on kluster or the session API


Jeff Genender wrote:>
Jules Gosnell wrote:

Covalent had to commit to a time - we went for 6:00pm on thursday.

I realise that this may be a little earlier than some of you were hoping
for, but it was the best we could do at short notice - sorry.

One further problem. We were not able to organise conferencing
facilities. If anyone thinks that they can work around this, perhaps via skype or something, I would be happy to try to set something up - Has anyone run a skype conference with 4 or 5 participants before ? Would
you like us to try?

Well, thats ok...thanks for giving a shot.

I would ask that we bring as much to the lists afterwards as there are others who have/are doing considerable work in the clustering area and
are not able to be there.  It would be nice to be engaged in
discussions.  Thanks again for trying.


Jules Gosnell wrote:

Matt Hogstrom wrote:

I was planning on attending the CeltiXFire BOF at 2100 Dublin time.
2200 is good from my perspective.

That's a little later than I was hoping for - my worry would be that people who might otherwise be there will have packed up and gone home
by then.

I would rather a slot somewhere between 6:00pm and 9:00pm...

How does that sound ?


Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Evening you time would be best for me. It looks like there is an 8 hour time diff between Dublin and California, so anything after 6pm your time would be good for me (10am here). I can go maybe an hour
earlier, but then I will be sleepy.


On Jun 27, 2006, at 1:31 PM, Jules Gosnell wrote:

Jeff Genender wrote:

Jules Gosnell wrote:

Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Are you going to provide a call in line so people not at the
conference can participate?

I'll look into it.

Would anyone be interested in using such a feature ?

I would likely be interested too depending on time.

OK, Jeff - so are there any windows on thurs aft/eve (dublin time) which would not suit you ? Let us know, so that we can avoid them.




On Jun 27, 2006, at 10:48 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

Jules Gosnell wrote:

Matt - I don't think that the problem was with sponsorship,
but  rather
exclusion... (maybe I've misunderstood something?). Covalent
are simply
providing a room and beer. The invitation is open to the entire
community and you will be driving the meeting.

That should be cool. Firstly, it has been announced here in the
public list.  Secondly, you should consider putting up a few
notice signs around ApacheCon to catch interested people who
didn't see this.

Yes, exclusion and lack of openness was the issue. The sponsorship
was mud in the water.  By mentioning this here the issue is

Of course, you need to post (here and on those paper notices) the details, such as time and place, as soon as they're figured out.

Thanks, Jules. And thanks for raising this, Matt, so it can be
clarified a bit.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"

--"Open Source is a self-assembling organism. You dangle a piece of string into a super-saturated solution and a whole operating- system
crystallises out around it."

 * Jules Gosnell
 * Partner
 * Core Developers Network (Europe)
 *    www.coredevelopers.net
 * Open Source Training & Support.

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