On 7/2/06, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please read Ken's original email:


As far as not considering commiters votes binding, this has never been
the way Geronimo was run.  If things have changed and the PMC has
decided that this is the new way to go, ok.  But let there be no
confusion as to the way things used to work.

What about this:

As far as binding votes go it's never been such a distinction between
people heavily involved in Geronimo development and PMCers. We were
pretty close to PMCers == committers and I don't remember a situation
where -1 was issued. There were enough +1's from PMCers. Therefore,
*I* would say it's almost impossible to compare what's happening now
with what was in the past. The situation is new and uncomparable to
anything as far as I understand it (and thus there're so many
misunderstandings and discussion about what RTC really means).

Please confirm that this is the new way that the PMC has decided to run

It's never changed - only PMC votes are binding as outlined in
http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html, but I myself consider
any vote binding as far as changes are concerned. A release is a legal
stuff so it requires a special attention from ASF itself and thus the
requirement about PMCers and their binding votes.



Jacek Laskowski

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