+1 to getting this patch in...
I spent some time working with Jason and Jacek last night on this patch. It is fairly large and
reaching. There appears to be an issue with SVN creating a bad patch file for several files but I
don't believe this is Jason's issue but rather with SVN.
There are 5 failed hunks in the v5 patch. I manually copied the files from branches/m2migration
into trunk as these were the source of the modification. The build was successful and I understand
what Jason is doing here.
I am giving this patch a +1 and would like to see Jason get this applied at his
earliest convenience.
There are issues with moving forward but getting on a better code base will accelerate progress on
getting to a fully integrated build.
We need to understand why SVN is creating bad patches but this shouldn't hold up the migration to M2
effort. This is not an issue with the current patch but a problem with SVN we need to undestand.
I would like to see Jason get these changes into trunk as well as resolve the
patch issue.
*** Notations of applicability ***
Here is the output from the patch when I applied it. I increased the FUZZ factor to a horrible 8
but it had no effect.
hogstrom:~/dev/geronimo/trunk hogstrom$ patch -p0 -l <
patching file applications/ldap-realm-demo/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/console/console-standard/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/console/console-ear/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/console/console-core/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/console/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/console/console-framework/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/magicGball/magicGball-ejb/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/magicGball/magicGball-ear/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/magicGball/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/magicGball/magicGball-web/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/magicGball/magicGball-client/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/demo/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/remote-deploy/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/uddi-db/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/uddi-server/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file applications/welcome/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file configs/unavailable-client-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/welcome-tomcat/pom.xml
patching file configs/client-security/pom.xml
patching file configs/javamail/pom.xml
patching file configs/console-tomcat/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 16 with fuzz 3.
patching file configs/tomcat/pom.xml
patching file configs/j2ee-server/pom.xml
patching file configs/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file configs/activemq-broker/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 16 with fuzz 3.
patching file configs/jsp-examples-tomcat/pom.xml
patching file configs/sharedlib/pom.xml
patching file configs/jetty/pom.xml
patching file configs/console-jetty/pom.xml
patching file configs/client-system/pom.xml
patching file configs/unavailable-ejb-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/openejb-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/directory/pom.xml
patching file configs/jsp-examples-jetty/pom.xml
patching file configs/online-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/j2ee-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/tomcat-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/activemq/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 16 with fuzz 3.
patching file configs/geronimo-gbean-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/shutdown/pom.xml
patching file configs/hot-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/servlets-examples-jetty/pom.xml
patching file configs/jetty-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/openejb/pom.xml
patching file configs/unavailable-webservices-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/axis-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/system-database/pom.xml
patching file configs/ldap-demo-tomcat/pom.xml
patching file configs/upgrade/pom.xml
patching file configs/welcome-jetty/pom.xml
patching file configs/j2ee-security/pom.xml
patching file configs/upgrade-cli/pom.xml
patching file configs/rmi-naming/pom.xml
patching file configs/ldap-demo-jetty/pom.xml
patching file configs/client-deployer/pom.xml
patching file configs/client-corba/src/plan/plan.xml
Hunk #2 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file configs/client-corba/pom.xml
patching file configs/axis/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 16 with fuzz 3.
patching file configs/j2ee-system/pom.xml
patching file configs/servlets-examples-tomcat/pom.xml
patching file configs/j2ee-corba/pom.xml
patching file configs/ldap-realm/pom.xml
patching file configs/client/pom.xml
patching file pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file m2-plugins/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file
Hunk #1 FAILED at 14.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file
Hunk #1 FAILED at 14.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file
Hunk #2 succeeded at 52 with fuzz 2.
patching file
Hunk #1 FAILED at 18.
1 out of 8 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file
Hunk #2 succeeded at 35 with fuzz 2.
patching file
Hunk #2 succeeded at 39 with fuzz 2.
patching file
patching file
Hunk #1 FAILED at 18.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file
patching file
Hunk #2 succeeded at 25 with fuzz 2.
patching file
patching file m2-plugins/geronimo-packaging-plugin/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file build
patching file build.bat
patching file modules/jmx-remoting/pom.xml
patching file modules/deployment/pom.xml
patching file modules/jetty-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/activemq-gbean/pom.xml
patching file modules/system/pom.xml
patching file modules/j2ee/pom.xml
patching file modules/tomcat/pom.xml
patching file modules/core/pom.xml
patching file modules/test-ddbean/pom.xml
patching file modules/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file modules/naming-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/jetty/pom.xml
patching file modules/web-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/directory/pom.xml
patching file modules/deploy-tool/pom.xml
patching file modules/converter/pom.xml
patching file modules/deploy-jsr88/pom.xml
patching file modules/connector-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/timer/pom.xml
patching file modules/activemq-embedded-rar/pom.xml
patching file modules/mail/pom.xml
patching file modules/j2ee-schema/pom.xml
patching file modules/service-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/hot-deploy/pom.xml
patching file modules/transaction/pom.xml
patching file modules/upgrade/pom.xml
patching file modules/common/pom.xml
patching file modules/axis-builder/pom.xml
Hunk #2 FAILED at 14.
1 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file modules/connector/pom.xml
patching file modules/security-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/activemq-gbean-management/pom.xml
patching file modules/client-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/axis/pom.xml
Hunk #1 succeeded at 17 with fuzz 2.
patching file modules/derby/pom.xml
patching file modules/installer-support/pom.xml
patching file modules/j2ee-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/tomcat-builder/pom.xml
patching file modules/management/pom.xml
patching file modules/client/pom.xml