On 7/6/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The exact command used to make the v5 patch was (from trunk):

     svn diff > GERONIMO-2161.patch

And, as I thought I explained to you before, the same changes are
applied to this branch:


You can just use the branch to test the changes, or merge those
changes into your branch, which should have the same results at the
cost of additional merging.

Understood. Would you consider a small improvement in the process (let
me call it this way before we'll find a better name for it ;-))?

You've been working on the patch in your local copy of Geronimo trunk.
You did svn co ...trunk. Correct? When you finished your work, you
executed 'svn diff' to cut the patch. Correct? The patch turned out to
be 'broken' or 'incompatible' for unix patch command and thus noone
could test it out extensively, but look at it and verify reading.

I can see a few issues with that approach:

1/ You're working alone with no help from anyone. No, I don't mind
your working alone and show changes when they're ready. The point is
that I don't foster an interest of others to be involved and possibly
contribute/help you.

2/ As we have already found out, unix patch is not reliable and thus
is not an option in a long turn. We need to figure out a way to work
in a collaborative manner without the overhead of unix patch that
makes the process of applying changes more complicated than it really
needs to be. If your changes are between some revisions (e.g. initial
branch creation revision and HEAD) anyone can use the branch and apply
the change with svn merge command to his/her local Geronimo sources
copy and test it out. Once an issue is found, the one who spot it
could fix it in your branch and again call a vote.

There're some other benefits, but these should be enough for now
(unless you're not convinced and I'll have to write them down ;-))




Jacek Laskowski

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