On Jul 7, 2006, at 6:32 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Jul 6, 2006, at 11:30 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

I tried to build the v1.1 of Geronimo tag and I noticed that when I went to do a m:co of openejb, it is giving me the openejb branch instead of
the 2.1 tag.  Sure enough, upon perusal of the tagged root maven.xml,
its pulling the openejb branch and not the tag.

I am assuming this is an oversight and it should pull the tag orf
openejb, not the branch. Do we need this fixed so we can do a build of
our svn tagged 1.1?

Yes, I noticed this yesterday, also. The build works if you don't run m:co (the openejb 2.1 dependencies). So, I don't think we need to rush to fix this. Instead we can wait to fix in the normal 1.1.1 release cycle, which I think should be soon (in July).

Clearly something that needs to be in a release process checklist.

At release time is one of the rare moments where we don't have a snapshot dependency on OpenEJB. Why wouldn't we just disable the m:co?


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