The mvn eclipse:eclipse has big issues with the xmlbeans generated
classes (I wrote a hack in our maven 1 build to deal with this).  Have
you gotten this to work?



Jason Dillon wrote:
> I have finished merging svkmerge/m2migration to trunk.  Now it is time
> for everyone to start using the m2 build... and avoid using the m1 build.
> I updated the docs here which explain what you must do:
> You should bootstrap at least once.  This is temporary and will be
> removed soon.
>  * * *
> Please, please, please start using the m2 build.  If for some reason you
> end up going back to m1 please let us know so we can fix it.
> The last major issue left unresolved (that I am ware of) is the car
> plugins support for geronimo-plugin.xml fluff, which I am working on
> resolving.
> --jason

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