I'd like to see us damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead with M2.  +1 for 
moving to XMLBeans 2.2

Aaron Mulder wrote:
On 8/5/06, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm not actually sure that there's a released m2 xmlbeans 2.2 plugin
either, and I'd rather get the poms for xmlbeans 2.2 straightened out
properly before there is.  Maybe I can get this process to move along
a bit.

Effectively, there's not a released xmlbeans 2.0 m2 plugin right?  I
thought we had to use the snapshot of the xmlbeans 2.0 plugin to avoid
the crazy dependency issues that result in the first build of an
xmlbeans module failing but the second passing.

Anyway, I'm happy to abandon the M1 build and go with XMLBeans 2.2.


>> See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XMLBEANS-120 for this
>> problem
>> and that its fixed ;-)
>> Jeff
>> Jeff Genender wrote:
>>> The mvn eclipse:eclipse has big issues with the xmlbeans generated
>>> classes (I wrote a hack in our maven 1 build to deal with this).
>>> Have
>>> you gotten this to work?
>>> Thanks,
>>> jeff
>>> Jason Dillon wrote:
>>>> I have finished merging svkmerge/m2migration to trunk.  Now it
>>>> is time
>>>> for everyone to start using the m2 build... and avoid using the
>>>> m1 build.
>>>> I updated the docs here which explain what you must do:
>>>> http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDEV/building-apache-geronimo-with-
>>>> maven-2.html
>>>> You should bootstrap at least once.  This is temporary and will be
>>>> removed soon.
>>>>  * * *
>>>> Please, please, please start using the m2 build.  If for some
>>>> reason you
>>>> end up going back to m1 please let us know so we can fix it.
>>>> The last major issue left unresolved (that I am ware of) is the car
>>>> plugins support for geronimo-plugin.xml fluff, which I am
>>>> working on
>>>> resolving.
>>>> --jason

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