I've just finished the initial re-theme-ification of the XBean site to use the AutoExport template we are using for GMOxSITE.

It will eventually make it to:


but for now you can see what it looks like here:


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A few things... I had to drop some of the tabs, only using Home and Downloads right now. Since these are images, I can not easily pull content from the wiki to add arbitrary tabs. I will look into fixing, creating border images, so we can drop text into the boxes.

I also could not figure out a nice looking way to add the XBean title to the main banner... seems that it does not fit well into the layout.

Probably best to get a new graphic that incorporates the G and XBean elements. Might need to get some help from Epiq to get a updated layout that allows use to use the same theme across sub-projects & the main site.

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Take a peek and let me know what you folks think.


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