It does since the CertificateAuthenticationBroker I'm making will need
to use the CertificateCallbacks.
I have put the classes in jaas (core already has a dependancy on jaas
so that's not a problem). I do think the other callbacks should go in
jass now, but I don't want to touch your stuff since I'm not sure
when/if you will accept my patch.

On 8/24/06, James Strachan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/24/06, Sepand M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> For certificate authentication, I'm adding two classes:
> JaasCertificateCallbackHandler and CertificateCallback.
> I've placed these classes in activemq-core along with
> JaasCredentialCallback, etc. The problem is that activemq-jaas needs
> access to these classes (since I have a new LoginModule that uses
> them) and maven complains that we can't have a circular dependency
> between activemq-core and activemq-jaas.
> So, should I move these classes into activemq-jass? Should I move all
> Callback classes to activemq-jaas? Any other way of doing this?

I'd put them in the module which uses them, so activemq-jaas sounds
about right. Does activemq-core need to access them?


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