Hello, Matt!


I have downloaded Geronimo-1.1.1-rc2 and see TranQL version is 1.3 there instead of 1.3.1

I expected.


Kevan Miller wrote that's due to there haven't been any changes to TranQL since 1.3

(see topic "TranQL version in Geronimo-1.1.1-rc1" yesterday).


Does it mean the support for transaction isolation level setting would only be

available in TranQL 1.4?





-----Original Message-----

From: Matt Hogstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:41 PM

To: dev@geronimo.apache.org

Subject: Re: Transaction isolation level in TranQL




It is already part of TranQL.  What we need is a change to OpenEJB to allow the specification of

Isolation Level so TranQL can generate the right code.  Let me start a new thread to see if we can

get this in 1.1.1.




Zakharov, Vasily M wrote:

> Hi, Matt,


> What are the perspectives of having the capability to specify the

> transaction isolation level in TranQL?


> I'm awaiting this feature eagerly, as it looks like a key to a

> successful SPECjAppServer2004 run...


> Recently you said

> (http://www.mail-archive.com/user@geronimo.apache.org/msg03421.html)

> that this feature may be a part of TranQL 1.3.1, which is gonna be a

> part of Geronimo 1.1.1, as far as I understand. Am I right?


> Thank you!


> Vasily Zakharov

> Intel Middleware Products Division





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