Hi Vamsi,
I still have not had the chance to check the patch (GERONIMO-2413) but I do 
have a few questions form your first note.

4. can you select JKS or p12 in this step? I'm thinking in client certificates 
-> HTTPS with Client Authentication scenario

5. in addition on entering the serial #, any chance to list the existing 
certificates in the CertificateStore? maybe CN + Alias

N1. does that mean that the CSR will be provided as a text file (on a specific 
location) and the portlet will pick them up and list them? if so, that would be 
great and a similar structure should be in place for already signed 

N2. could you expand?

As for IE, I can't find a nice way to say what I think about IE and VBScripts. All I can 
say is that probaly 80% or more ( just a wild guess ) of the users are using IE. Using 
another browser to create/retrieve/export the certificate and then import it into IE does 
not look like a healthy workaround. Can we add something else on the server side to 
"fill-in-the-blanks" from IE?


Vamsavardhana Reddy wrote:
Hi All,

I have not seen any replies to my last post :(

I have identified a few more function required. These are for the work-flow a CA might want to follow:
  1. List Requests:  There should be two pages instead of one.
A) Listing of requests that are received and need to be verified (once verified, the request will reach a second list)
        B)  Listing of requests that are verified and ready to be fulfilled.
2. Logging: CA should have a separate log of requests received, verified, fulfilled, certificates revoked etc.

Comments?  Suggestions?  Pointers?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Vamsavardhana Reddy* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
Date: Oct 6, 2006 11:59 AM
Subject: Certification Authority (CA) portlet
To: dev@geronimo.apache.org <mailto:dev@geronimo.apache.org>

Hi All,

I have uploaded a minimal version of Certification Authority (CA) portlet to the JIRA. See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2413 . The JIRA also has some screenshots. I do not know if anyone has got a chance to try out the portlet. Here is an overview of this portlet's functions.

1. Setup Certification Authority: The "CA home" page checks if the CA has already been initialized. If not, it will provide access to only this function viz. " Setup Certification Authority". This function enables the user to provide details of CA's identity, algorithm parameters for CA's keypair & signature algorithm, a serial number for CA's self-signed certificate, validity period for CA's keypair and a password to protect CA's privatekey. Once the details are submitted, a keypair and self-signed certificate are generated and stored in "ca-keystore". CA portlet uses KeyStoreGBean to manage its own keypair and certificate.

2. Lock and Unlock CA: Once the CA is setup, upon a fresh login to Geronimo Console, users will notice that the CA is in locked state. "Unlock CA" function lets the user unlock the CA by providing CA's privatekey password (provided at the time of CA setup). Once unlocked, the user will have access to the CA functions. "Lock CA" function locks the CA.

3. View CA Details: This function enables the user to see the details of CA' certificate and the highest serial number used to by the CA. Base 64 encoded certificate text on this screen can be copy+pasted into a text file and sent to the requestor to designate this CA as trusted CA in their software. (Note: CA stores the serial number used at the time of setup and increments it each time a certificate is to be issued.)

4. Issue New Certificate: This functions lets the CA issue a new certificate by processing the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) text. Upon pasting the CSR text into a textarea and submitting, a screen will show the requestor name and public key details from the CSR and lets the user enter validity period and select the signature algorithm. The next screen will show all details and ask for confirmation. Once confirmed, a certificate is issued and stored in a "CertificateStore". The screen will show the details of the certificate issued. Base 64 encoded certificate text on this screen can be copy+pasted into a text file and sent back to the requestor.

5. View Issued Certificate: This function lets the user view a previously issued certificate by providing the certificate serial number.

More work on the way:
After posting the patch to JIRA, I have found the necessity for a few other functions: N1. List Requests: This function will list all the certificate requests that are waiting to be fulfilled and provide a link on each request-id so that the user can click on the links (instead of entering the csr text in a textarea) and proceed directly to entering certificate validity details etc. N2. Process a certificate request based on (Name Attributes + SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge): Users requesting a certificate through web browsers may not be able to submit a PKCS10 Certificate Request. Netscape, Firefox (and other browsers??) support a KEYGEN form tag that will let the browser, upon form submission, generate a key pair, combine the PublicKey & a Challenge string and sign (this is the SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge), encode this information in base64 and send it along with other form fields. In this case, name attributes are not part of a "signed" request and need to be collected separately. N3. CA helper application: This application will be the interface for users using their web browsers to request a certificate from the CA. This application will have a) A page with KEYGEN tag to receive SignedPublicKeyAndChallenge along with name attribute values from the requestor. b) A link using which the users can download and install CA's certificate into their browsers as a trusted certificate. c) A page from which the users can download and install the certificate issued to them by the CA. This application can store the requests so that the CA portlet can pickup these and show in "List Requests" page.

To be explored:
How to do this KEYGEN equivalent through Internet Explorer? I know that it requires some VBScript to generate a (PKCS10?) certificate request through Internet Explorer. I have done this way back in 1998 and don't remember any details now :o( A work around would be to make the users use a browser supporting KEYGEN tag to request and download their certificate. The certificate and privatekey can then be exported and imported into IE. (I don't like this work around. Or should this be the only option we provide??)

For later:
CRLs etc.

Any suggestions, comments? Anything I am missing? Am I heading in the correct direction?


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