I posted earlier this week about a recent JUG I attended in Atlanta. One of the comments I got was that our website didn't seem very active. I stopped to take a look at it today trying to take the perspective of a user or interested party and observed that our goals are a bit dated. Here is what they currently say:
*** Old Swill ***

Welcome to Apache Geronimo, the J2EE server project of the Apache Software Foundation. Please help us make this a world class, certified J2EE container!

The aim of the project is to produce a large and healthy community of J2EE developers tasked with the development of an open-source, certified J2EE server that:

- is licensed under the Apache License
- passes Sun's TCK for J2EE 1.4
- reuses the best ASF/BSD licensed code available today, with new ASF code to complete the J2EE stack.


I thought it might be good to take a swag at updating this and here is a SWAG at it below. Add your 2c as you feel led :)

*** New swill ***

Welcome to the Apache Geronimo Project!

Our goal is to produce a server runtime framework that pulls together the best Open Source alternatives to create runtimes that meet the needs of developers and system administrators. Our most prominent runtime is a fully compliant J2EE container based on J2EE 1.4. We are working on our next version of the server which is based on JEE 1.5. Some of our guiding principles are:

- Build servers that are distributed under the Apache Software License.
- Provide runtimes that meet the needs of developers, administrators and system integrators.
- Integrate with the best open source tooling available like Eclipse.
- Provide frequent releases of our software so users can experience the newest features and have access to the latest bug fixes. - Build a community that incorporates multiple disciplines required to create complex runtime and toolable infrastructure.

*** ***

I'm sure I'm missing lots of stuff.  Throw them ideas in.

Matt Hogstrom

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