Dain Sundstrom wrote:

JSR 77 is a weird spec in that is had very few Java APIs specified. The bulk of the spec described the names of fields and operations to be exposed via JMX. You should check if the Java APIs were updated for Java5 generics.

JSR 77 is a weird spec! As I was just looking at Chris' note and the spec I was surprised to see that most of the fundamental "interfaces" (like J2EEManagedObject and J2EEServer) are only defined within our implementation (modules/geronimo-management) and not included in our version of the management spec. It seems that only the JSR 77 statistics types are included as interfaces in our version of the spec.

This makes me wonder about the specs that I signed up for which are newly included in Java EE 5 (JSTL and Annotations). Is it correct to assume that we should only include interface definitions from the specs if they were explicitly called out (such as with package names) or called out in an API section of the specification? The JSTL spec includes an API section that includes not only interfaces but also abstract and other classes. I was planning to just use Glassfish for JSTL and pick up their spec jar as part of the package rather than creating a Geronimo named spec jar. Does that make sense?

The Annotations spec has package qualified annotation interfaces declared in the spec. It appears that somebody (DBlevins?) has already created most of these in our specs tree.


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