Is there a way to specify that in the pom ?
Or you have to rely on users to specify it on the command
line everytime they build (or use batch files).

On 12/11/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What do you mean?  If you specify -Dmaven.repo.local=./svn-repo (or
where ever the svn checkout is) and run the build offline, then the
repo won't get modified, and thus only chance a bad artifact would
get in there would be if someone checked in something bad, or if the
local `mvn install` got messed up, but generally `mvn install`
artifacts will never be checked into that repo.

It is really too bad that there is not a local repo for deps and then
a local repo for generated artifacts.  The whole local repo thing is
lossy IMO and makes it very difficult to assure quality of releases.


On Dec 11, 2006, at 7:55 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:

> Also, keep in mind that there is no way to bypass the
> local repository afaik.  So if a bad artifact goes into the
> user local repo, it may disturb Geronimo's build, even
> if Geronimo build only use a single svn based remote
> repo.  In such a case, the only way to ensure that the
> build will work is to start from a clean local repo.
> On 12/9/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Dec 8, 2006, at 6:41 PM, Prasad Kashyap wrote:
>> >> ... At this point... and ya, I may be in a
>> >> bad mood now... I don't think that mvn is an appropriate tool for
>> >> building production quality products... period.
>> >
>> > I hear ye. I share the pain. But I fear the alternative - spending
>> > considerable time migrating to another build system.
>> Ya, I know... I'm not suggesting that we change any time soon.  But I
>> do fear that there is going to be some serious ongoing pain.
>> > When you return from your bad mood to your jolly good ole' self
>> again,
>> I dunno... I'm jaded now... good ole jolly jason was eaten by the big
>> angry maven monster... :-P
>> > can you please shed more light on what it would take to have this
>> > *ONE* repo; it's pros and cons and such..
>> I've sent a few emails about this in the past.  Major hurtles to this
>> are going to be sysadmin/network overheads, ASF infra politics, and
>> of course keeping the artifacts in sync.  There are just way to many
>> things that need to get downloaded, making the window for problems
>> really quite massive.
>> I'm still trying to figure out how to effectively workaround this
>> problem for an open community... in a corporate setting this is a no
>> brainer, setup a machine, back it up, setup proximity or maven-proxy
>> to aggregate remote repos, then create a few local repos backed by
>> svn to hold custom artifacts or specific versions to help reduce risk
>> incurred by remote artifact stability.  Then each project just lists
>> that one repo.
>> This works well, but due to the way maven works, other dependencies
>> may list repos, which will then get picked up and used for artifacts
>> selection, which tends to pollute the sanity and stability, but
>> usually not too much.  But its yet another flaw in maven's
>> architecture which while its flexible and easy for smaller projects,
>> its nearly impossible to make any sort of assurances for larger more
>> complicated projects.  Actually even for smaller ones it makes it
>> very very difficult to ensure build stability over the life of the
>> project (past build repeatability and assumed future compatibility,
>> as at any time someone could publish a plugin or artifact which
>> completely breaks your build, often times requiring days to debug
>> why).
>> The only way around this is to have total ownership of imported build
>> artifacts and an effective paper trail for changes (ie svn change
>> logs).
>> While maven has made many things simpler... it really has made it a
>> lot harder to implement stable, reliable and durable builds. :-(
>> Anyways, all I can really think of to step around this problem, is to
>> checkin all of the artifacts which are needed into svn, configure the
>> build to use a checkout of that repo for its local and then always
>> run offline.  And periodically update the svn repo from remotes as
>> well as manage some artifacts by hand.  Essentially removing any
>> remoteness from Maven, which is IMO key to making builds stable,
>> reliable and durable.
>> Svn has all the artifacts needed, so svn co will get you the right
>> bits, svn up will make sure its the latest, so no need to keep making
>> all those network calls to check for artifacts, which will speed the
>> build up dramatically.  Svn will always have a trail of who changed
>> what when which can be easily correlated to build failures using a CI
>> tool.  Mysterious dependency download, metadata corruption, bad
>> network connections basically go a way from the list of normal
>> problems we run into.  The repository gets labeled when the software
>> gets labeled, so you can *always* go back in time, checkout an old
>> release and build it... and have a very, very, very high chance that
>> it will work with no fuss, only things which may break it would be
>> environment related (deep windows folder, wrong jdk version, missing
>> heap settings, etc).
>> Dunno if there are other options really... maybe... but I can't think
>> of it at the moment.
>> I think the mvn plugin system is good, getting better once they fix
>> some of the annoying bugs... and even better once they document the
>> apis more.  Wish the dang pom was not so verbose... or need to carry
>> version details into each and every pom... but those are all minor.
>> The major issue is the remote repo.  Once you eliminate that, then
>> mvn starts to look a whole lot more attractive for serious production
>> builds.
>> --jason
> --
> Cheers,
> Guillaume Nodet

Guillaume Nodet

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