On 1/23/07, Rossmanith, Philipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, I tried to find out where the Role of a MessageExchange is being set. I got stuck with the following, and was hoping that someone might help me out with clarifying the issue(s). 1.) States of MEs ================== A MessageExchange (ME) has an array of possible states (int [][]states), which differs depending on the type of the ME. It is only being set in the constructor of MessageExchangeImpl. When being sent, the method: > public void handleSend(boolean sync) throws MessagingException < changes the state depending on the current status/logical state of the ME by consulting and reassigning the current state. Every row of the array corresponds to a description of a state with all possible succeeding states - depending on the value of the ExchangeStatus and whether there is a Fault a new state is selected.
The state is also changed in the handleAccept method which is called when the message is given to a component using the DeliveryChannel.accept method.
The array of states determines the role of a MessageExchange. A Role.PROVIDER indicates that an ME is being sent from a consumer to a provider, whereas a Role.CONSUMER means that the ME goes from the provider to the consumer. *)
Note that the role for a given instance of the MessageExchangeImpl class will never change. The hack is that the consumer component and the provider component will be given two different objects (the mirror property). This is mainly needed to ensure that a exchange ownership is enforced (a component can not modify the exchange if it is not the owner). This is controlled by the CAN_OWNER flag and checked at several locations (setProperty, setMessage, setStatus, etc...)
2.) Duplicity of MessageExchange instances =========================================== What I didn't get is that from "JBI Components: Part 1 (Theory)" I concluded that all messages related to ONE interaction between a Consumer and a Provider go through the same MessageExchange instance/MessageInstanceImpl object. **)
I don't think this is a requirement. The data should be the same of course. Even for a component, the exchange is not always the same: for example when the exchange is serialized in the jms / jca flow. Hence, when using sendSync, a hack is needed (in the delivery channel) to copy the data from the received response to the original object.
However, in the code, it seems that the STATES_PROVIDER states are only assigned to a _new_ instance - while copying the ExchangePacket and assigning the ME from which it was copied as mirror. Correct? Why?
See above.
3.) Documenting the above and SM JavaDoc ========================================= Where in the SM pages/documentation would be the best place to contribute findings/investigations such as the above? Also, which one is the official SM JavaDoc: http://incubator.apache.org/servicemix/maven/... or http://servicemix.goopen.org/maven/... or http://XXX/...?
Maybe somewhere near http://servicemix.org/site/how-stuff-works.html If you have any idea to improve the organization of the docs, please stand up and speak ;-) The javadocs for 3.0 release are deployed at http://incubator.apache.org/servicemix/dist/servicemix-3.0-incubating/site/ I think the other ones should be removed, but there may be links pointing there ...
Thanks in advance, Ciao, Philipp Rossmanith *) From DefaultBroker.java: // If we found a destination, or this is a reply if (exchange.getEndpoint() != null || exchange.getRole() == Role.CONSUMER) **) "This serves as a container for the messages and state of a service invocation (i.e., "calling" a particular operation). There are separate MessageExchange subtypes for each supported MEP. New message exchange instances are created using a JBI-provided MessageExchangeFactory." ITC Analyst Systems Integration T-Systems ITC Iberia S.A.U. Edifici 22@ Sancho d'Ă€vila 110-130 08018 Barcelona Office: + 34 93 501 56 22 Main: + 34 93 501 50 00 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Internet: www.t-systems.com This e-mail may contain confidential or privileged information. Any unauthorised copying, use or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited.
-- Cheers, Guillaume Nodet ------------------------ Architect, LogicBlaze (http://www.logicblaze.com/) Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/