On Jan 24, 2007, at 11:27 AM, Donald Woods wrote:

Has anyone noticed that the JIRA Project Summary - Patch Available count is not correct?
Currently, it only shows 4 issues with patches, but there are -
        1.1.2   - 1
        1.2     - 1
        1.x     - 2
        M2      - 4
        Beta1   - 2
        2.0     - 12
        Wish    - 6
        Verif   - 1
        Unsch   - 28
So, why isn't the count showing 57 instead?
It seems to only be counting the ones that have Status=Patch Available and ignoring those with Patch Info=Patch Available.

Yes, that section shows the issues by status. There are four issues waiting to be picked up.


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