I'll be there.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Dims said he'll be in the Raleigh area and since a lot of other committers area it would be good to get folks that are around together. For those that are interested in joining I have a room that we can use from 0900 - 1800 on Monday and Tuesday. The address is:

4205 South Miami Blvd
Durham, NC 27703

Come to the lobby and ask for me and I'll be happy to let you in. I've got a conference room for about 10 people for both days with network connectivity and the like. Anyone in the area that is interested to come and hang out for the day or just a few hours is welcome. I expect folks will be on IRC and use the dev list for communication just like any informal get together.

If anyone is interested I could probably open up a call in number if folks want to listen to each other type or otherwise interact. If folks are interested in that, contact me directly for call in information as that wouldn't be appropriate to post a passcode publicly. If there are folks that are interested I'll do my best to make that happen.

The times are Eastern.

Respond to this e-mail if your planing on showing up.

I'll be there :)

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