On Apr 3, 2007, at 2:18 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
On Apr 3, 2007, at 4:57 PM, Donald Woods wrote:
I'll upload the 11 Axis2 and 11 CXF artifacts into the M4 branches
local repo and update the pom.xml if someone will either respin/
republish the build for me or walk me through how to do it....:-)
Donald, excellent and I appreciate it.
I would checkout the 2.0-M4 in branches to start with. There must
be some lingering issue in hte build or we somehow picked up the
SNAPSHOT though some transitive dependencies.
If you like I can provide you with the repo I used for this build.
It may be possible to address Alan's concern about being able to
rebuild as well.
Although, personally I think the time invested in 2.0 is better
spent than waving a dead chicken on 2.0-M4. By the time it get
built and voted on we'll be into next week most likely with the
next milestone a few weeks away.
I think a better solution would be to simply create an unstable set
and put them up on people.apache.org.
Other's thoughts?
I would just put up the assembly bin-* bits for folks to play with
and then not worry about the rest. M5 will be here soon enough. As
long as we can learn from what was wrong with M4 and incorporate the
fixes (to code, process, whatever) into M5 then we are making progress.
Though now I have a wonderful image of Matt twirling a dead chicken
over his head. Can we get a dead chicken for J1 and get Matt to
reenact this? I'd like to get that on video :-)