The page has been updated to move the contents of repository/geronimo to repository/org/apache/geronimo.

I found a couple of other places where contents of the repository moved (tranql -> org/tranql, etc) and fixed those as well.

If anyone sees a module that moved (that I missed) let me know and I'll rework the table.

I already caught org/apache/geronimo/activemq-broker(1.2) s/b org/apache/geronimo/configs/activemq-broker but haven't fixed it yet. For sizing purposes, that will not affect the following results.

Here are the places that I am seeing that the repository has grown (between 1.1.1 and 2.0):

Added (size rounded to nearest Meg)
com/sun/xml (5M)
commons-codec (1M)
commons-fileupload (1M)
commons-httpclient (1M)
commons-io (1M)
commons-jexl (1M)
commons-lang (1M)
commons-primitives (1M)
directory (1M)
directory-asn1 (1M)
directory-network (1M)
directory-protocols (1M)
directory-shared (1M)
dwr (1M)
javax (1M)
jaxen (1M)
jdbm (1M)
jline (1M)
jstl (1M)
net (1M)
ognl (1M)
org/apache/axis2 (3M)
org/apache/bcel (1M)
org/apache/cxf (2M)
org/apache/httpcomponents (1M)
org/apache/myfaces (1M)
org/apache/neethi (1M)
org/apache/openjpa (3M)
org/apache/ws/commons/axiom (1M)
org/apache/yoko (4M)
org/codehaus/castor (3M)
org/codehaus/swizzle (1M)
org/sl4j (1M)
org/springframework (1)
oro (1M)
regexp (1M)
woodstox (1M)
xml-resolver (1M)

Grew (growth rounded to nearest Meg)
org/apache/activemq (1M)
org/apache/geronimo (Some additions, some reductions: 8M overall - ~5M of this is dojo)
org/apache/tomcat (1M)
org/apache/xbean (1M) - We have 3.0 snapshot and 3.1 snapshot in 2.0

Those are only the increases. There may be more, but these were the ones that I caught (there are still some moved module issues yet to be found). As best as I could tell, upgrades between versions of the same component did not significantly contribute to the increase in footprint. Additional components is where we got hit the hardest.


Jay D. McHugh wrote:
You are right Prasad,

I messed something up when I was building my tables. "repository/geronimo" is in the installed directory but not in my database.

I'll rebuild the table and see what comes out. Also, I'll 'map' the "repository/geronimo" to "repository/org/apache/geronimo" so that the table makes sense.


Prasad Kashyap wrote:
Matt, Jay,

The repository shifted from repository/geronimo to repository/o.a.g
from v1.2 onwards. We'd have to compare it against that directory to
get a good picture.. I added the same comments to your wiki page.

Please check out a similar comparison between just 1.2 and 2.0.

This can be tuned further.


On 6/27/07, Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jun 26, 2007, at 10:57 PM, Jay D. McHugh wrote:

> In order to (hopefully) simplify finding where the increase in
> footprint size comes from, I made a new page on the wiki:
> Jay

Jay, this is excellent.  Clearly the pesky repository is a major
contributor.  It is interesting that the growth from 1.1.1 to 1.2 and
beyond.  I'm wondering if the Maven transient dependencies have
anything to do with this ?

>> Me ! Me ! Me !
>> Cheers
>> Prasad

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