On Jun 28, 2007, at 5:10 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

But most importantly I want to talk about the AprLifecycleListener.  I
really think we should add this as a default listener in the plan
because this will allow people to use a netive APR connector and
*really* get some incredible performance out of Geronimo. For those not
familiar with APR, its the Apache Portable Runtime project.


It basically will test if you have compiled natice binaries for your
platform, and if it find them, it will use those instead of hte pure
java implementation.  The listener is really for initialization and
destruction on start/stop of the server, so there is no overhead. This
can really give Geronimo a performance boost, especially for those who
use it in a high load site.

Thoughts and opinions on me enabling that listener?  Also thoughts on
some of the other listeners would be good as well.

Nice. I like the idea. I see no reason not to enable this feature in Geronimo and good reasons to include it!

So, would you propose including tomcat-native.tar.gz in our assembly? A little doc on building native libs and how to enable APR (if user desires).

IIUC, everything runs fine out-of-the-box (we create APR connectors, but they can't load native libs and run exactly as the current connectors run today). If a user wants to enable APR, it requires something like:

tar zvf tomcat-native.tar.gz
cd tomcat-native
start geronimo


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