Thanks for the reminder Anita, The project site and the accompanying release notes will be updated as soon as the release candidate is approved. I've also updated the Release Process steps (URL below) to include this step just so we don't forget. Thanks

Anita Kulshreshtha wrote:
   I would like to see download links to the following items on the
project site at under
prerequisites section.

1 -- Europa (also known as Eclipse 3.3), which is platform specific
2 -- Web Tools Platform (WTP) 2.0.1
3 -- Data Tools Platform (DTP) 1.5
4 -- Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) 2.3
5 -- Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) 3.3


On 9/12/07, Tim McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Start of discussion thread.....
Tim McConnell

=== Step #1 -- Install prerequisites ===

The Geronimo Eclipse Plugin 2.0.0 has a number of prerequisites that
must be installed prior to the installation of the plugin itself. These are necessary to establish the proper Eclipse installation. They are:

1 -- Europa (also known as Eclipse 3.3), which is platform specific
2 -- Web Tools Platform (WTP) 2.0.1
3 -- Data Tools Platform (DTP) 1.5
4 -- Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) 2.3
5 -- Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) 3.3

You can manually download the latest versions of these artifacts but
it is somewhat cumbersome. Instead I've created an ant script (that is based on the one used to build the plugin) that you can use that will download and unzip everything for you. You can get it from here:

After you download it somewhere (preferably in a temp subdirectory)
you can just invoke it for your specific platform using one of these three

ant win32
ant linux
ant macos
It will create an /org/EUROPA/eclipse/3.3 subdirectory with all the downloaded artifacts and an /EUROPA/eclipse subdirectory where everything has been unzipped. This is now the Eclipse installation directly you should use to test the Geronimo Eclipse 2.0.0 plugin.
If you don't wish to use the ant script it's very important to ensure
you have
the latest versions of each -- otherwise the plugin will not function
correctly. For example, the WTP 2.0.0 release is fairly old and buggy, and our
plugin will
not function correctly. That is why this ant script downloads and
installs the WTP 2.0.1 RC1 artifacts.

Now that you have all the prerequisites you can do either of the two
below since each must work and both should emulate how it will be
installed and used in the real world. Scenarios #1 and #2 are mutually exclusive though -- do one or the other but not both unless you first delete and recreate
Eclipse installation directory (preferably with the ant script

=== Scenario #1 -- Upzip everything ===

You can just download the plugin itself and unzip it into the same
where all the prereqs were installed (e.g., EUROPA/eclipse). If you
choose this option you must have an installed version of the Geronimo 2.0.1 server somewhere on your system so that you can define an Geronimo Server configuration. If you've never done this before the steps are fairly straightforward:

1 -- Download the plugin and unzip into your EUROPA/eclipse
You can download the plugin from here:
2 -- Invoke the eclipse executable from your EUROPA/eclipse
directory. Select or
accept the default workspace.
3 -- Open the Java EE perspective. From within Eclipse:

     a. Close the Welcome tab

     b. Select Window --> Open Perspective --> Other --> Java EE
        You should now be in the Java EE perspective. You can see the
open perspective tabs in the upper right-hand corner of your Eclipse workspace.

4 -- Define a new server. From Eclipse select:

     a. File --> New --> Other --> Server --> Server --> Next -->
Apache. At this point you must see the Apache Geronimo v2.0 Server
or the plugin was not installed/unzipped correctly.
     b. Select "Apache Geronimo v2.0 Server" --> Next --> then enter
the root directory of your Geronimo server installation --> Next --> Next --> Next --> Finish

     c. Now in the Java EE perspective you should see the Apache
Geronimo v2.0 server (bottom pane, middle tab usually) that you can now start in Eclipse (either right-click on it and select start or select
the little
        green and white arrow on the far right of the server pane).
You should then see the console and the familiar server startup
     d. Right-click on the server and select "Launch Geronimo
Console" to bring
        up an admin console browser window in eclipse.

=== Scenario #2 -- Use Staging Site ===

Alternatively, you can download both the Eclipse Plugin and the
Geronimo server from the Staging Site I've set up to emulate an Eclipse update site. Again if you've never done this before the steps are fairly

1 -- Invoke the eclipse executable from your EUROPA/eclipse
directory.  Select or
accept the default workspace.
2 -- Open the Eclipse Software Updates dialog:

     a. Help --> Software Updates --> Find and Install --> Search for
new features to install

     b. On the "Update sites to visit dialog" you must add a new
remote site to point to the Staging site. Click "New Remote Site" button --> Set name to something like "Staging Site" --> set URL to this:

     c. Make sure that your new Staging Site is the only site with a
        and hit Finish.  Then you should be able to select the
features you wish to install. If you select either or both of the runtimes it will only download them for you -- not install them. You can do this of course, just make note where they get downloaded. The more interesting feature though is to instead download and install the server after we've installed the plugin features, so it's recommended to not
select either
of the runtimes.
     d. It's somewhat non-intuitive but you MUST select all four
"Geronimo WTP
        Server Adapters" not just the "Geronimo v2.0 Server Adapter
2.0.0". Otherwise the Geronimo servers will not show up when you try
to add a
new server configuration in Eclipse.
     e. Select Next --> Accept the license agreement --> Next -->

     f. It will then download and install the plugin artifacts (takes
a few seconds)

     g. Note that I did not sign these plugins (since it's a staging
site--not a true install/update site) so just select "Install All"

     h. Select Yes to restart Eclipse

3 -- Now that you've downloaded and installed the Geronimo Eclipse
plugin you can use it to download the Geronimo server from the Staging Site (in the same manner that it will ultimately be downloaded from one of the Eclipse Update sites)

=== message truncated ===

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Tim McConnell

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