
I have one remaining task to do for 2.0.2. I would like to update the
version of CXF to 2.0.1 (or 2.0.2 if it is released really soon). Just
need to verify first if it is all good from TCK standpoint.


On 9/14/07, Kevan Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I think it's time to start rolling out a 2.0.2 release. There have
> been a number of fixes in response to user issues, since 2.0.1. Time,
> I think, to make these available in a release. We'd also be able to
> make use of released versions of OpenJPA, Axis2, and hopefully
> OpenEjb, whittling away at our local builds...
> I think we have one must-fix problem that is outstanding -- the MEJB
> security issue. Assuming we resolve this problem, are there any other
> issues which must be resolved prior to a 2.0.2 release?
> Assuming we're in general agreement, I'd set a goal of creating a
> release candidate by next Friday (Sept 21). I'm volunteering to be
> the release manager.
> Thoughts?
> --kevan

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