I also like 2, 3, and 4. But with a twist, setting up server configuration 'templates' and allowing users to do the same. Then allowing the user/administrator to change which template their server should morph to.

We would supply templates for all of our default builds (essentially a copy of the config.xml that would have been supplied with the server build) and once a user had configured their server the way they wanted to, they would be able to export the current config.xml as a template.

Then we would have gshell command(s) that would download whatever plugins were needed and twist the config.xml to match the selected server configuration.

This is a little bigger than just changing the web service container - But I think it could have some very cool uses.

Paul McMahan wrote:
On Nov 2, 2007, at 1:32 PM, David Jencks wrote:

On Nov 2, 2007, at 10:14 AM, Paul McMahan wrote:

Why not use the plugins portlet in the admin console? From the admin console in tomcat6-jee5 I was able to stop the axis components and then install the cxf and cxf-deployer plugins from the online Geronimo plugin repository all within about a minute.

I think this is related to my (4). I'm fine with shipping with only one web service framework per server but asking people to use the admin console and go through more than one step is too hard IMO.

I agree that a gshell equivalent for this type of activity would be required for some types of users.

Best wishes,

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