On Nov 30, 2007 5:59 PM, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It looks like the size of our images is increasing dramatically (nearly
> 2x).
> For example, the geronimo-jetty6-minimal snapshots have been growing
> like this (these image sizes are from the snapshot repo):
> 16604006 Jul 26 18:54
> geronimo-jetty6-minimal-2.1-20070726.182538-1-bin.tar.gz
> 17086729 Jul 26 18:53
> geronimo-jetty6-minimal-2.1-20070726.182538-1-bin.zip
> 22310769 Nov  1 03:19
> geronimo-jetty6-minimal-2.1-20071101.014839-2-bin.tar.gz
> 22744083 Nov  1 03:18
> geronimo-jetty6-minimal-2.1-20071101.014839-2-bin.zip
> 30812531 Nov 30 22:45
> geronimo-jetty6-minimal-2.1-20071130.211933-3-bin.tar.gz
> 31248864 Nov 30 22:43
> geronimo-jetty6-minimal-2.1-20071130.211933-3-bin.zip

Most of the recent jump (fyi my 27 Nov build is only 22 megs) is caused by
boilerplate assembly in our repository
boilerplate-minimal-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar). I would assume it's caused by david
j's http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=598819&view=rev We should be able to
get rid of that...
A bit harder to apples-to-apples compare the longer term growth. lib/gshell
accounts for a 5 meg growth (unpacked). So, that would help account for most
of the growth in the minimal assembly...


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