On Dec 2, 2007, at 5:10 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:
A bit harder to apples-to-apples compare the longer term growth. lib/gshell accounts for a 5 meg growth (unpacked). So, that would help account for most of the growth in the minimal assembly...

I wonder if we should consider allowing gshell to be optional...

I'd recommend *not*, though if we aren't happy with the additional bloat from the current impl, we can re-implement in pure-java and remove the dependency on Groovy. Its possible, though not very elegant IMO, as the AntBuilder syntax is ideal for launching new processes.

As I mentioned before, the size of the core of GShell is a little more than a megabyte, and with out the XStream bits its just under a megabyte, but again the custom XML parsing bits are not very elegant so I'd rather just keep XStream around.

There are a few optimizations that can be done for Geronimo integration however. Like for example GShell includes a _diet_ version of Log4j, which excludes all the ancillary muck that comes with its arifact. Since we already include the full log4j.jar we can omit the diet version thin things down. Also, as I mentioned before I've not yet peeped at what is already included in the repository and what is duplicated in the lib/gshell directory, though I did try to re- sure bits from lib/*

And lets also keep in mind that the next version of GShell will behave a lot like Maven2 wrt dependency resolution for commands, which means that we can configure commands and then GShell will re-use bits from the repo or download them as needed from central.


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