Aka the 2.0 branch -

We need to continue supporting our user community and stop forcing them to the latest and greatest release. Look at how Tomcat and the HTTP Server handle support with tons of "." releases. I'm not saying we should have as many maintenance releases as Tomcat (ie. 5.5.26) but we should try to keep supporting a release by integrating patches for say 6 months after the last maintenance release, which would mean we're still in the 2.0.x 6 months window (released 20071019.)

If a committer is willing to help solve a user's problem on a prior release, then +1000 to them.

There are still users asking about 1.1.1 on the users mailing list, so obviously we need to do a better job of supporting our releases and stop this "try the latest release" and "try the latest snapshot" approach that we have been doing.

My 2 cents....


Jacek Laskowski wrote:
On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Vamsavardhana Reddy
With Geronimo Tomcat 2.0.3-SNAPSHOT, when a web app is stopped, I am
noticing that the call to stop() in GeronimoStandardContext.kill() is making
the sessions to be written to a SESSIONS.ser under the workDir for the
application.  But then destroy() called immediately is resulting in the
deletion of the workDir altogether.  Under what situations will this workDir
be not deleted and how this SESSIONS.ser will be used/supposed to be used?

What's 2.0.3-SNAPSHOT? I have never seen it mentioned before. Should
we care about it rather than pushing 2.1 to our end users? Why are you
working with the older version?


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