Howdy folks,
for the Geronimo project we are using a Confluence space to generate the 
content and use the AE plugin to further customize the HTML. The AE plugin 
would automatically generate new HTML pages based on the content from 
Confluence but it will not delete old ones. We don't have access to the FS on 
brutus to clean these orphan files ourselves.

Could you guys delete all the generated HTML files for the GMOxSITE space so we 
don't carry those orphan files anymore. These files should probably be under 
the /usr/local/tomcat/tomcat-confluence/var/autoexport/GMOxSITE directory. I'll 
do a manual export of the GMOxSITE space and regenerate the whole thing as soon 
as you delete those files.

Some of the redirection issues discussed on a different thread ( Geronimo web 
site .htaccess ) are caused by these files getting copied over and over again.

Thanks in advance.


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