Took way too long at the airport, so punting commit until tomorrow when I'm awake again.


On Apr 24, 2008, at 5:18 AM, David Jencks wrote:

+higher than I can count :-)

david jencks

On Apr 23, 2008, at 1:25 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

Yo yo... we've talked about this before, though a while ago... but IMO its about time we drop Commons Logging like a rock and move over to SLF4J.

The API is mostly the same, though SLF4J has native support for things like:


And has additional varargs support for things like:"this is my foo: {}", foo)

I can dig up the old email I posted hella long ago if needed, but I think its time to switch over. Its been on the shelf for too long already IMO. I'm ready to start updating things to use the new API, but before I do I want to get a general consensus from the group.

So chime in... failure to chime in means you agree with me :-P



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