Thanks Jospeh :)

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Joseph Leong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Shrey,
> I'll be more than glad to document it for you.
> -Joseph Leong
> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 6:09 AM, Shrey Banga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was trying to edit this page-
>> but it says
>> I do not have permission to edit it. Also, I experimented a little with
>> inPlace deployment but couldn't get it to work for plancreator and I think
>> the method described above is useful for admin console webapps. Can someone
>> else document this method ?
>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:03 PM, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Kevan Miller wrote:
>>>> On Jun 30, 2008, at 8:43 AM, Shrey Banga wrote:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>>> While working on PlanCreator, I initially restarted it after each
>>>>> modification to the code which is too cumbersome for testing small changes
>>>>> especially in the JSPs. Thanks to Manu, I realized that there's an easier
>>>>> workaround to this:-
>>>>>   1. Modify <geronimo-directory>\var\catalina\conf\web.xml:
>>>>>          * Set the *development* parameter to *true* in the
>>>>>            init-param to org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
>>>>>          * Edit (add if doesn't exist) the
>>>>>            *modificationTestInterval* to *0*
>>>>>   2. In the webapp that you intend to modify, find the web.xml and
>>>>>      remove the servlet-name and servlet-mapping of the jsp you
>>>>>      intend to modify and test.
>>>>>      For example, for PlanCreator I edit the
>>>>>   3. Restart the server with these settings in place.
>>>>> Once this is done, you can modify the jsp in place and hit refresh to
>>>>> test it. It'll be recompiled each time. I think this is very handy for
>>>>> developing and testing deployed web applications. Can someone copy this to
>>>>> wiki or grant me access to it ?
>>>> Looks like Shrey has already submitted an ICLA to the ASF. Hernan, can
>>>> you give Shrey access?
>>>> --kevan
>>> My machine got toasted (literally) last week and I'm still struggling
>>> with the new one.
>>> I just added Shrey to geronimo-contributors.
>>> for the record, any confluence admin can do this, a list with the admins
>>> is available at
>>> Shrey, let us know if you have any questions
>>> btw, wouldn't a scenario like the one described be addressed by inPlace
>>> deployment ? I used that in the past and worked like a charm
>>> btw 2, Firefox 3 is also giving me headaches.
>>> Cheers!
>>> Hernan
>> --
>> Shrey Banga
>> Bachelor of Technology, III year
>> Department of Electrical Engineering
>> Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Shrey Banga
Bachelor of Technology, III year
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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