I was trying to write a bat file for automating the process of building
plancreator, stopping the plancreator module on the server, replacing it
with the new build and restarting plancreator. Once this process is done,
the DWR stops working, which is probably because requests to DWR go through
/console webapp context. So I manually restart the console-base from the
admin console which does the trick. Now for the purpose of the bat file, I
need to use the deploy tool to restart only the console-base but it in
list-modules it is shown as:

>  + org.apache.geronimo.plugins/console-tomcat/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car
>      `-> portal-driver.war
>      `-> base-portlets.war

If I do a deploy restart
org.apache.geronimo.plugins/console-tomcat/2.2-SNAPSHOT/car many of the
other deployed webapps get stopped. How do I restart only console-base ? Or
is there a simpler workaround for the dwr problem ?
Shrey Banga
Bachelor of Technology, III year
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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