Gianny Damour wrote:
Hello Peter,

This is great news for Liferay developers!

IMHO, one of the pain points with Liferay development is the time it takes to build, pack and deploy a WAR to Liferay. Even if Liferay is not so bad on this front when compared with other portals, a typical build-deploy-test cycle is way too time consuming and hence seriously impacts productivity. It would be fantastic to have an in-place WAR development mode in Geronimo. What do you think?
I guess you are referring to working with/in the liferay ext development environment (?). I know to little of Liferay internals (and Geronimo for that mater) to be sure exactly what you are looking for, but I am sure the Liferay team is working hard on making there development environment easier and faster to work with. Maybe you can elaborate a bit more on what you are thinking of.

Personally I will look in to setting up a maven project for building Liferay portlets and have them deployed to Geronimo in some automated way instead of working with the ext environment, maybe this is what you are looking for? I don't know yet how the deployment could be done but I guess that I will making use of Liferays hot-deploy mechanism and/or if possible find some way to make use of Geronimo:s plugin concept. If possible I would certainly prefer the plugin solution.

Maybe the deployment could be done in a similar way of what we have done with the roller-themes plugin in the geromimo-roller project ?

  peter petersson


On 14/07/2008, at 4:11 AM, Peter Petersson wrote:

I have posted a feature issue containing the build code over at
  peter petersson

Peter Petersson wrote:

With the help of David J custom server assemblies document ( ) and my experience working with David on the roller plugin I have manage to put together a Liferay ( ) plugin. For now the plugin is with liferay 5.0.1 rc1 on G 2.1.1 and consists of the following maven artifacts

* geronimo-jetty-liferay -- A minimalistic server assembly with the geronimo kernel the lifray jetty plugin and the geronimo console plugin. * liferay-jetty -- The liferay jetty plugin built on the lesslibs liferay-portal war pulling in dependencys like lifray -kernel, -service and -portlet. * geronimo-tomcat-liferay -- A minimalistic server as above but with the liferay tomcat plugin. * liferay-tomcat -- The liferay tomcat plugin as liferay-jetty above but with tomcat.
* liferay-derby -- The liferay derby db backend plugin.
* lifray-portal -- The liferay portal war fetched from liferay and pulled in to a local maven repos. * liferay-portal-lesslibs -- A overlay of the liferay portal war with filtered lib jars making use of some geronimo builtins instead.

The geronimo-tomcat-liferay server seems to work fine but the jetty equivalent has a issue in the login page. When I have ironed out the jetty issue, cleaned up the code, made some additional improvements and put together a simple readme with build instructions ;) I am thinking of wrapping it up and first of all contribute it to the liferay community ( as suggested by david in ) to see if they are interested in it for there geronimo integration.

Anny suggestions, opinions, tips or help to pull this together in the best way possible are appreciated.

 peter petersson

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