On Jun 29, 2008, at 6:14 AM, Peter Petersson wrote:

Hi Kevan (or any other with some knowledge about legal stuff),

I think you are the man to as here and my question is what shall I do about the legal stuff I don't have much of a clue about these things.

As I have said before I am building this plugin for my own use and I have the intention of donating it to the Liferay community in the hope that they will find it useful as a base for there future geronimo integration. The build is derevided from Davids custom server assemblies document and some parts are modified stuff from the roller plugin source.

If I understand things right maybe I shall include the license and notice files in the build or should I ?
Is there any other considerations ?

Hi Peter,
I'd be happy to take a look and offer my thoughts. I'd been wanting to take a look at the plugin, anyway. Likely to be a few days, however, before I have the time.


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