You can also skip the tests and testsuite to save on retry times -
        mvn install -Dtest=false -Pno-it

One thing I have noticed, is that you need to clean the assemblies between rebuilds, due to some car-maven-plugin problem where it sometimes generates bogus server assemblies.
        cd assemblies
        mvn clean


David Jencks wrote:

On Aug 8, 2008, at 12:43 PM, Shrey Banga wrote:


I'm trying to build geronimo on my laptop using my college wifi, which gets disconnected occasionally and maven basically stops at that point without giving any error or warning. I'm forced to ctrl+C the build and repeat it but it doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to resume the build from where it ended? Or is there a windows based interface for maven that might help? I really need to get it built, mostly to show it off here :-D and finish up on PlanCreator.

Once you have all the dependencies downloaded you can use mvn clean install -o for an offline build.

I've been using nexus as a repo manager and I think it insulates me somewhat from bad connection issues.... at any rate I'm currently experiencing very flaky wifi and no build problems.
I also usually only rebuild the parts of geronimo that have changed or depend on what I've changed.

hope this helps
david jencks

Shrey Banga
Bachelor of Technology, IV year
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

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