Want to get everyone starting to think about the releases we want for the rest of this year. Here is a potential list, to start the discussion....

3Q08 -
  GEP -
2.1.2 - Support Ganymede and Java SE 6. Tim/BJ/Ted, we're close to a RC, right?
  Samples -
    2.1.2 - Finish any last minute updates and release ASAP
  Daytrader -
    2.1 - finally release a version for 2.1
  Server -
2.1.3 - Release current patches and upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.18 to pickup latest security updates (and rev any other components that have released any security updates)

4Q08 -
  Server -
2.2 - http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxPMGT/Geronimo+2.2+Release+Roadmap
  Samples -
    2.2 - target 30 days within 2.2 server release
  Daytrader -
    2.2 - target 30 days within a 2.2 server release
  GEP -
    2.2.0 - target 30-60 days within 2.2 server release

The above and past releases are captured in the PMGT wiki at - http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxPMGT/Apache+Geronimo+Release+Roadmaps

Looking for feedback and people to volunteer as RMs... :-)

If no one wants to step forward for the 2.1.3 Server, I'll volunteer, as long as I can get assistance from a prior RM (like Joe) to help me through my first release and for Jason/Jay/Joe to run the TCK.


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