Gianny Damour wrote:
On 12/11/2008, at 10:04 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

It has been mentioned several times that we should be looking to release Geronimo 2.2 before the end of the year (preferrably mid-December).

Before we can consider a release there are a large number of snapshots that need to be removed/replaced in our project. Can anybody shed any light on these (or others that I may have missed)?

-wadi 2.1-SNAPSHOT. Is this snapshot really required (I presume it must be)? In branches/2.1 we're using 2.0. What function requires 2.1-SNAPSHOT and is can somebody directly involved with wadi provide an estimate on when this might be released?

I will release WADI 2.1 whenever a release version is required for Geronimo.

Thanks Gianny. Is there any reason to avoid pursuing a release now? Are you anticipating more changes from Geronimo or other projects soon? Any snapshot dependencies that we can quickly remove will help us more keenly focus on those that require a bit more effort.


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