Hi Jarek,

It looks like the Axis2 1.5 release didn't happen yet. Is there a new target?

Also, my offer still stands to help with the concurrent spec release if you want. Let me know.


Jarek Gawor wrote:
Axiom, XmlSchema, and Woden are all dependencies of Axis2. There is a
plan for Axis2 release at the end of this month but I'm not sure if
it's going to happen with all these dependencies. So getting Axis2
release might be an issue to us.

As to geronimo-concurrent_1.0_spec 1.0-SNAPSHOT, we can get that
released now. I have no pending updates for it.


On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 6:04 PM, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It has been mentioned several times that we should be looking to release
Geronimo 2.2 before the end of the year (preferrably mid-December).

Before we can consider a release there are a large number of snapshots that
need to be removed/replaced in our project.  Can anybody shed any light on
these (or others that I may have missed)?

OpenEJB 3.1-SNAPSHOT  - Actually, OpenEJB 3.1 was released in late October.
 However, the trunk version was never updated and some additional changes
have been included.  Recent changes in Geronimo trunk now require this
snapshot that is actually newer than the 3.1 release. IMO we should revert
the trunk change and attempt to work with the released OpenEJB 3.1.

Axis2 SNAPSHOT (yep, it's just SNAPSHOT without a number).  IIUC correctly
we need to get an Axis2 release before we can consider a Geronimo 2.2
release.  Does anybody know how close we are to getting an Axis2 release?

Axiom SNAPSHOT (yep. it's just SNAPSHOT too).  I believe this is required by
Axis2 ... so if Axis2 is released then they will have to get Axiom released
as well (and we can pick up the released version).

-xBean 3.5-SNAPSHOT.  Is this snapshot really required (I presume it must
be)?  In branches/2.1 we're still using 3.3.  It looks like the latest
released version is 3.4.3.  I'll give that a shot if I don't hear from
anybody that we really need 3.5.

-wadi 2.1-SNAPSHOT.  Is this snapshot really required (I presume it must
be)?  In branches/2.1 we're using 2.0.  What function requires 2.1-SNAPSHOT
and is can somebody directly involved with wadi provide an estimate on when
this might be released?

-geronimo_j2ee-connector_1.6_spec 1.0-EA-SNAPSHOT.  Are we at a point where
we can release this spec or do we need to wait until we verify tck?

- geronimo-jaspi_1.0_spec 1.0-SNAPSHOT.  Are we at a point where we can
release this spec or do we need to wait until we verify tck?

- geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec 1.0-EA-SNAPSHOT.  Are we at a point where we can
release this spec or do we need to wait until we verify tck?

- geronimo-jaspi 1.0-SNAPSHOT.  This is a new geronimo component.  How close
is this to being able to be released?

- geronimo-concurrent_1.0_spec 1.0-SNAPSHOT.  How close is this to being
able to be released?

- XmlSchema SNAPSHOT (yep, it's just SNAPSHOT).  I believe this is also
related to Axis2 dependencies and will have to be resolved by Axis2 as they

- woden* 1.0-SNAPSHOT.  This is also related to Axis2 and will have to be
resolved for an Axis2 release so we will pull in whatever they require.

- selenium-maven-plugin 1.0-rc-1-SNAPSHOT.  I believe that we pulled this in
trying to resolve the FF3 issues.  It's not clear to me if we would have to
remove this SNAPSHOT prior to a release but I think it would be best to
ensure that the tagged release can always be built and run with tests -
therefore I think we should remove it.  Any other opinions?

- jspc-maven-plugin 2.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT.  I'm not sure why this is updated
(in branches/2.1 we use 2.0-alpha-1-20070806).  Anybody know? We should
remove it.

- jspc-compiler-tomcat6 2.0-alpha-2-SNAPSHOT.  I'm not sure why this was
updated either.  In branches/2.1 we updated the maven plugin (above) but not
the compiler but in trunk both were updated to the alpha-2-SNAPSHOT.
 Anybody know why?

- ianal-maven-plugin  1.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT.  No doubt to support the new
legal file processing.  Is there a released version we can use instead of
the SNAPSHOT or do we need to get a release here are well?


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