Yes, I've checked that in yesterday or so:

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, do you have "org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core.sshd" checked in
> somewhere?
> --jason
> On Nov 13, 2008, at 5:58 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
>> I've just done a real quick prototype to plug into smx kernel and I've
>> been able to log in into smx kernel using an ssh client and issue a
>> few commands.
>> Following is the class that does everything and the spring config to
>> start the ssh server.
>> The BogusPasswordAuthenticator is a dummy class which I pasted below too.
>> Notice the use of stream filters to convert CR / CRLF stuff.  I think
>> this is because both sshd and the geronimo gshell do not handle well
>> the pty request and/or VT100 stuff.  But I'm still not sure where the
>> conversion should happen exactly.
>> Also note that i've redefined the ConsoleErrorHandlerImpl, because the
>> default one uses the application.getIO() for displaying errors so they
>> are not available remotely.
>> Let me know what you think, but it basically makes the whole remote
>> bits of gshell unused.
>> I have not implemented the ssh command which should be easy using jsch
>> lib.
>> Let me know if / how I can help you with that bits.
>> ==================================================
>> package org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core.sshd;
>> import;
>> public class BogusPasswordAuthenticator implements PasswordAuthenticator {
>>   public Object authenticate(String username, String password) {
>>       return (username != null && username.equals(password)) ?
>> username : null;
>>   }
>> }
>> ==================================================
>>   <bean name="sshServer" class=""
>> init-method="start" destroy-method="stop">
>>       <property name="port" value="8000" />
>>       <property name="shellFactory">
>>           <bean
>> class="org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core.sshd.GShellShellFactory">
>>               <property name="branding" ref="branding" />
>>               <property name="completers">
>>                   <list>
>>                       <ref bean="commandsCompleter"/>
>>                       <ref bean="aliasNameCompleter"/>
>>                   </list>
>>               </property>
>>               <property name="executor" ref="commandLineExecutor" />
>>               <property name="history">
>>                   <bean
>> class="">
>>                       <constructor-arg ref="application"/>
>>                   </bean>
>>               </property>
>>               <property name="prompter">
>>                   <bean
>> class="">
>>                       <constructor-arg ref="application"/>
>>                   </bean>
>>               </property>
>>           </bean>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="hostKeyProvider">
>>           <bean class="">
>>               <constructor-arg>
>>                   <list>
>>                       <value>${hostKey}</value>
>>                   </list>
>>               </constructor-arg>
>>           </bean>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="passwordAuthenticator">
>>           <!-- TODO: provide real authentication -->
>>           <bean
>> class="org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core.sshd.BogusPasswordAuthenticator"
>> />
>>       </property>
>>       <!-- Do not use public keys for now
>>       <property name="publickeyAuthenticator">
>>           <bean class=""
>> />
>>       </property>
>>       -->
>>       <!-- Standard properties -->
>>       <property name="channelFactories">
>>           <list>
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>           </list>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="cipherFactories">
>>           <list>
>>               <bean class="$Factory"
>> />
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>               <bean class="$Factory"
>> />
>>               <bean class="$Factory"
>> />
>>           </list>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="compressionFactories">
>>           <list>
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>           </list>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="keyExchangeFactories">
>>           <list>
>>               <bean class="$Factory" />
>>           </list>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="macFactories">
>>           <list>
>>               <bean class="$Factory" />
>>               <bean class="$Factory" />
>>               <bean class="$Factory" />
>>               <bean class="$Factory" />
>>           </list>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="randomFactory">
>>           <bean class="$Factory" />
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="userAuthFactories">
>>           <list>
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>           </list>
>>       </property>
>>       <property name="signatureFactories">
>>           <list>
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>               <bean
>> class="$Factory" />
>>           </list>
>>       </property>
>>   </bean>
>> ===================================================
>> package org.apache.servicemix.kernel.gshell.core.sshd;
>> import java.util.Map;
>> import java.util.List;
>> import;
>> import;
>> import;
>> import;
>> import;
>> import;
>> import;
>> import;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.command.Variables;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.console.Console;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.console.JLineConsole;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.console.completer.AggregateCompleter;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.notification.ExitNotification;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.notification.ErrorNotification;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.application.model.Branding;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.commandline.CommandLineExecutor;
>> import org.apache.geronimo.gshell.ansi.AnsiRenderer;
>> import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
>> import org.slf4j.Logger;
>> import jline.History;
>> import jline.Completor;
>> public class GShellShellFactory implements ShellFactory {
>>   private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
>>   private Branding branding;
>>   private Console.Prompter prompter;
>>   private CommandLineExecutor executor;
>>   private History history;
>>   private List<Completor> completers;
>>   public Branding getBranding() {
>>       return branding;
>>   }
>>   public void setBranding(Branding branding) {
>>       this.branding = branding;
>>   }
>>   public Console.Prompter getPrompter() {
>>       return prompter;
>>   }
>>   public void setPrompter(Console.Prompter prompter) {
>>       this.prompter = prompter;
>>   }
>>   public CommandLineExecutor getExecutor() {
>>       return executor;
>>   }
>>   public void setExecutor(CommandLineExecutor executor) {
>>       this.executor = executor;
>>   }
>>   public History getHistory() {
>>       return history;
>>   }
>>   public void setHistory(History history) {
>>       this.history = history;
>>   }
>>   public List<Completor> getCompleters() {
>>       return completers;
>>   }
>>   public void setCompleters(List<Completor> completers) {
>>       this.completers = completers;
>>   }
>>   public Shell createShell() {
>>       return new ShellImpl();
>>   }
>>   public class ShellImpl implements ShellFactory.DirectShell,
>> {
>>       private InputStream in;
>>       private OutputStream out;
>>       private OutputStream err;
>>       private IO io;
>>       private Variables variables;
>>       private ShellContext context;
>>       private boolean closed;
>>       public ShellImpl() {
>>       }
>>       public void setInputStream(InputStream in) {
>>  = in;
>>       }
>>       public void setOutputStream(OutputStream out) {
>>           this.out = out;
>>       }
>>       public void setErrorStream(OutputStream err) {
>>           this.err = err;
>>       }
>>       public void start(Map<String,String> env) throws Exception {
>>  = new IO(new CrLfFilterInputStream(in, "IN: ", logger),
>>                            new LfToCrLfFilterOutputStream(out,
>> "OUT:", logger),
>>                            new LfToCrLfFilterOutputStream(err,
>> "ERR:", logger),
>>                            false);
>>           this.variables = new Variables((Map) env);
>>           this.context = new ShellContext() {
>>               public getShell() {
>>                   return ShellImpl.this;
>>               }
>>               public IO getIo() {
>>                   return;
>>               }
>>               public Variables getVariables() {
>>                   return ShellImpl.this.variables;
>>               }
>>           };
>>           new Thread() {
>>               public void run() {
>>                   try {
>>             ;
>>                   } catch (Exception e) {
>>                       e.printStackTrace();
>>                   } finally {
>>                       close();
>>                   }
>>               }
>>           }.start();
>>       }
>>       public boolean isAlive() {
>>           return !closed;
>>       }
>>       public int exitValue() {
>>           if (!closed) {
>>               throw new IllegalThreadStateException();
>>           }
>>           return 0;
>>       }
>>       public void destroy() {
>>           close();
>>       }
>>       public ShellContext getContext() {
>>           return context;
>>       }
>>       public Object execute(String line) throws Exception {
>>           return executor.execute(getContext(), line);
>>       }
>>       public Object execute(String command, Object[] args) throws
>> Exception {
>>           return executor.execute(getContext(), args);
>>       }
>>       public Object execute(Object... args) throws Exception {
>>           return executor.execute(getContext(), args);
>>       }
>>       public boolean isOpened() {
>>           return !closed;
>>       }
>>       public void close() {
>>           closed = true;
>>           close(in);
>>           close(out);
>>           close(err);
>>       }
>>       public boolean isInteractive() {
>>           return false;
>>       }
>>       public void run(Object... args) throws Exception {
>>           Console.Executor executor = new Console.Executor() {
>>               public Result execute(final String line) throws Exception {
>>                   assert line != null;
>>                   try {
>>                       ShellImpl.this.execute(line);
>>                   }
>>                   catch (ExitNotification n) {
>>                       return Result.STOP;
>>                   }
>>                   return Result.CONTINUE;
>>               }
>>           };
>>           IO io = getContext().getIo();
>>           // Setup the console runner
>>           JLineConsole console = new JLineConsole(executor, io);
>>           console.setPrompter(getPrompter());
>>           console.setErrorHandler(new ConsoleErrorHandlerImpl(io));
>>           console.setHistory(getHistory());
>>           if (completers != null) {
>>               // Have to use aggregate here to get the completion
>> list to update properly
>>               console.addCompleter(new AggregateCompleter(completers));
>>           }
>> ;
>>       }
>>       private void close(Closeable c) {
>>           try {
>>               c.close();
>>           } catch (IOException e) {
>>               // Ignore
>>           }
>>       }
>>   }
>>   public static class ConsoleErrorHandlerImpl implements
>> Console.ErrorHandler {
>>       private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
>>       private final IO io;
>>       private AnsiRenderer renderer = new AnsiRenderer();
>>       public ConsoleErrorHandlerImpl(final IO io) {
>>           assert io != null;
>>  = io;
>>       }
>>       public Result handleError(final Throwable error) {
>>           assert error != null;
>>           displayError(error);
>>           return Result.CONTINUE;
>>       }
>>       private void displayError(final Throwable error) {
>>           assert error != null;
>>           // Decode any error notifications
>>           Throwable cause = error;
>>           if (error instanceof ErrorNotification) {
>>               cause = error.getCause();
>>           }
>>           //
>>           // TODO: Use the Render API
>>           //
>>           // Spit out the terse reason why we've failed
>>           io.err.print("@|bold,red ERROR| ");
>>           io.err.print(cause.getClass().getSimpleName());
>>           io.err.println(": @|bold,red " + cause.getMessage() + "|");
>>           // Determine if the stack trace flag is set
>>           String stackTraceProperty =
>> System.getProperty("");
>>           boolean stackTraceFlag = false;
>>           if (stackTraceProperty != null) {
>>               stackTraceFlag = stackTraceProperty.trim().equals("true");
>>           }
>>           if (io.isDebug()) {
>>               // If we have debug enabled then skip the fancy bits
>> below, and log the full error, don't decode shit
>>               log.debug(error.toString(), error);
>>           }
>>           else if (io.isVerbose() || stackTraceFlag) {
>>               // Render a fancy ansi colored stack trace
>>               StackTraceElement[] trace = cause.getStackTrace();
>>               StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
>>               //
>>               // TODO: Move this to helper in gshell-ansi
>>               //
>>               for (StackTraceElement e : trace) {
>>                   buff.append("        @|bold at| ").
>>                       append(e.getClassName()).
>>                       append(".").
>>                       append(e.getMethodName()).
>>                       append(" (@|bold ");
>>                   buff.append(e.isNativeMethod() ? "Native Method" :
>>                           (e.getFileName() != null &&
>> e.getLineNumber() != -1 ? e.getFileName() + ":" + e.getLineNumber() :
>>                               (e.getFileName() != null ?
>> e.getFileName() : "Unknown Source")));
>>                   buff.append("|)");
>>                   //
>>                   // FIXME: This does not properly display the full
>> exception detail when cause contains nested exceptions
>>                   //
>>                   io.err.println(buff);
>>                   buff.setLength(0);
>>               }
>>           }
>>           io.err.flush();
>>       }
>>   }
>> }
>> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> How does one hook up GShell to use this stuff?
>>> --jason
>>> On Nov 7, 2008, at 4:22 AM, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
>>>> Over the past days, I've been working on a implementing a SSH server
>>>> in java to replace to gshell remoting bits.
>>>> The project is currently hosted at google code:
>>>> This project is based on Mina and the current status is that the ssh
>>>> protocol is in a working state, but there are still a lots of things
>>>> to iron.
>>>> I've been able to connect using openssh 5.0 and 5.1 and also jsch
>>>> (from which i borrowed from code btw) and launch an /bin/sh shell and
>>>> issue a few commands.
>>>> I'd be happy if any committer is interested to work on that to give
>>>> him commits rights on the project.
>>>> --
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Guillaume Nodet
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> Blog:
>>>> ------------------------
>>>> Open Source SOA
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Guillaume Nodet
>> ------------------------
>> Blog:
>> ------------------------
>> Open Source SOA

Guillaume Nodet
Open Source SOA

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