
I'm not really convinced yet by this. I've been wondering what would help me understand better what you think is wrong and what you want to change. I wonder if you would be willing to list the current navigation tree and next to each portlet say where you want to put it (or split it up, etc). Another thing that might help me would be definitions of the categories you propose and some criteria for portlet inclusion. For instance right now having all the plugin/ module management under one category makes sense to me since they are all involved with understanding how the basic geronimo building blocks (plugins) fit together and are dependent on one another and what will happen if you start or stop one. I'd need a really lot of convincing that any reorganization that moved non-ee plugins away from ee plugins was a good idea.

On the other hand I can certainly see putting all the plan creation wizards together in one category.

On Nov 23, 2008, at 9:49 PM, Jack Cai wrote:

Donald, thanks for bringing this topic up!

I agree with most of your proposal. I do have several comments though -

* I kind of like keeping the current separation of Server and Service. It's hard to find a right label for the merged category - "Service" does not sounds right to me. Hard to find a label is an indication that these two categories might not be appropriate to merge.

* The Logging portlets are the same kind as the Server information, Java System Info and the Monitoring portlet. They should go hand in hand.

Monitoring and the proposed cluster/farm management are the only functionality that directly refer to (lots of) other servers. Everything else refers only to the server you're looking at directly. Mixing them up seems like a bad idea to me.

* Should Derby and HTTP server also parts of the Server catetory? Although they are not JEE components.


2008/11/22 Donald Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Given our Console navigation tree has gotten so large and many "new" portlets were added in 2.0/2.1 without doing a proper reorg of what we had, I'm proposing the following changes as part of GERONIMO-4423, 4424, 4425 and yet to be created JIRAs:

1) Reorg the Server Console contents into main categories of:
  - Services (config/resources)
    - combination of existing Server and Services portlets
    - contains portlets for server/service configuration
       info, threads, connectors, modules, jms server/resourecs, ...
    - future portlet to setup clustering/farming member servers
       and view their status would go here
  - Applications (app deployment and life-cycle)
    - portlets to deploy/redeploy/undeploy apps/wars/ears/jars
    - portlets to install/uninstall and stop/start modules
    - porlet to install plugins (not export or server assembly)
    - future updates and/or new portlet to support deploy/undeploy
       apps to clusters/farming would go here
  - Security
    - portlets focused on users/groups, keys/ca, realms
  - Logging
    - portlets to configure logging and log levels
    - separate pages for Server, Web Access and Derby log viewers
  - Tools
    - everything in current "Debug Views" category
    - Plan Creator portlet
    - Monitoring portlet
    - Embedded DB portlets (renamed to Derby * to reflect true usage)
    - Apache HTTP portlet (for creating mod_jk configs)
    - Exporting plugins
    - Custom server assemblies

I could see the Logging portlets as one page under Tools, as those are really runtime tools (changes don't survive a restart) for debugging server/application problems.

I could also see the Security portlets being split between the Services and Tools categories (but really think these deserve their own category.)

The point, is that we need to review how the admin console is laid out and try to regroup into Java EE roles/tasks/concepts, like server config/resources, app deployment/mgmt and other tools/tasks.


david jencks

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